Responding to the Massive Lay-offs in Calgary Part 2. . .

In Last week’s blog, I introduced you to Bianca Sinclair who just founded Laid Off Calgary – empowered community support group.  Bianca has recently completed 150 hours of course work in my Embodied Awareness Facilitator Certification program and is now completing her practicum hours by facilitating at Laid Off Calgary – empowered community support groups.

After her second group, she wrote to me:

“Yesterday we explored the grief process and how this might relate to being laid-off/unemployed, coping with loss and moving through the transition.  I had the participants choose randomly keywords from the Kubler-Ross model (denial, anger, acceptance etc.) and invited them to share what that might mean in the context of where they are at, or have been on this current journey.  Then, I had drawn a wavy line on a whiteboard and asked them to suggest where on a timeline their keyword might sit if it were a “model of grief”.  It was an interesting way to explore grief theory from different perspectives, and how different it is for everyone.

By the end of our session in our group yesterday, participants reported feeling:”optimistic”, “normal”, and “satisfied”.

I thought the comment “normal” was very interesting, and we all shared a laugh as that participant playfully patted themselves on the back as if to congratulate their normal-ness.”

Laid Off Calgary – empowered community support groups are for people who are wrestling with the trauma of being laid-off and in sudden career transitions.  Groups are held at a local public library in Calgary Alberta, and are free of charge.

Since last week, Bianca has been interviewed by the local news and the response has been exceptionally positive. Bianca has added a second group.

Please share with anyone who might benefit from a community engagement such as this.          

For more information on Laid Off Calgary, please send an email.

You can also join the community through Bianca’s Facebook group.

empty chairs

A Space Full of Potential

Remain Receptive. Remain Aware.

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“There is no separation between God, you, the healing energy, and the one receiving the healing. Touch and be touched by the Source of healing within. Observe changes in yourself (in self healing). Or observe shifts in both you and the receiver, when working with someone else. Remain receptive. Remain Aware”. Radical Self Care by Dr. Beth Hedva

Comments. . .

For Stacey, #6 from Dr. Beth Hedva’s Guidelines for Conducting Energy Work with Yourself and Others really spoke to her:

“I do body work and thought it was very interesting that the dyads I have been doing have all been focused on what physical conditions are impacting us. I have been working consciously for the last few months on what’s happening to me moment by moment and developing greater awareness for myself as an embodied being. I am also reminded how passionate I am about helping others (if they so choose) to develop greater awareness for themselves, how that might open them in different ways. Also this quote reminded me of how sacred doing body work is; how honored I am to do this work on a daily basis; how honored I am people trust me to do this sacred work.”

Thank you Stacey.