Following Inner Guidance to Realization

Inner guidance is a spiritual sense that takes you in the direction of realization of your true nature.  Those . . . .’ah ha!’ moments that bring a spontaneous break-through beyond ordinary limitations.

When we unify with our spiritual Self, and awareness expands—we emerge into feeling peace, happiness, infinite possibility, creativity  mystical states of ‘oneness’ and freedom– all independent of one’s external circumstances or external conditions. Realization is a glimpse into ‘enlightenment’.   India describes it as a state of spiritual Self-realization, ‘nirvana’, stillness. Japan calls it ‘Satori’ or ‘beginner mind’; and in the West it has been called self-actualization.

Realization implies making it real through embodiment of the experience.  Intuition is integrated through action. Intuition (and all the subtle senses) clarifies a pattern.  Spiritual discernment helps us see the many paths and options ahead of us – to continue the pattern, to walk a new direction, and how to choose which direction to go. Realization organically follows.

The choice is to continue down the path of Self-realization…to continue to check in for guidance, to be guided by an emerging inner sense of freedom, well-being, health and wholeness–free from conditioning, re-activity, prejudice or expectations–and to act from that.

[Radical Self Care, Chapter 5 “The 12 Senses of Embodied Awareness”. Dr. Beth Hedva].

In one of our Embodied Awareness seminars we used a sentence completion exercise to expand intuitive perception and cultivate the inner Observer and therefore inner guidance, by answering a series of questions. We sat in a circle, and each person explored the experience of realization by answering the question:

“What is it like when you courageously follow your guidance…” .     Here are some of the responses:

When I courageously follow my guidance…everything is radiant.

When I courageously follow my guidance…there is Feminine receptivity.

When I courageously follow my guidance…there is light.

When I courageously follow my guidance…I must  dance with my resistance.

When I courageously follow my guidance…I sometimes get in trouble!

When I courageously follow my guidance…I get pretty excited.

When I courageously follow my guidance…I am open to making mistakes.

When I courageously follow my guidance…I am able to embrace the light and the shadow with love & joy.

When I courageously follow my guidance…I move mountains.

When I courageously follow my guidance…there is a tidal wave of joy.

When I courageously follow my guidance…I become acceptable.

When I courageously follow my guidance…I burst at the seams with ideas.

When I courageously follow my guidance…It feels right & good.

When I courageously follow my guidance…I feel unburdened.

When I courageously follow my guidance…I end up where I need to be.

When I courageously follow my guidance…there is wisdom.

When I courageously follow my guidance…I am open and curious and full of joy.

When I courageously follow my guidance…I step around the source of my resistance rather than reacting to it.

When I courageously follow my guidance…I learn to understand my body and deal with my fears.

When I courageously follow my guidance…there is rebirth.

{ Rebirth Oni H. }

{ Rebirth Oni H. }

When I courageously follow my guidance…I surprise myself and enjoy myself.

When I courageously follow my guidance…I am peaceful.

When I courageously follow my guidance…I jump rather than thinking about everything way too much.

When I courageously follow my guidance…I honor the information from all my senses as opposed to doubting it.

It would be great to hear from you.

                                                    What is it like when you courageously follow your guidance?                                                                                                               

Beyond Spiritual Bypass

{ Artist: Susan Sedon Boulet }

{ Artist: Susan Sedon Boulet }

Resistance to spiritual growth can take the form of a spiritual by-pass and psychological resistance to our thoughts, feelings, intuitions and deeper spiritual truth.  Embodiment means being whole—experiencing your feelings, thoughts and subtle impressions here and now–in your body, and letting them move you to new insights, awareness, and behaviours.

Spiritual by-pass is a term coined by transpersonal psychologist John Welwood.   In his article Principles of Innerwork, Psychological and Spiritual, Welwood describes three common traps when we begin to open spiritually. . .and all three can act as barriers to intuition by distorting our perception.

1. Mental By-Pass: ‘In your head’—a belief that the spiritual world is ‘better’
2. Spiritual By-Pass: Psuedo-detachment. (This is not the same as ‘non-attachement.  It is a way you avoid doing your personal and emotional work by disociating or pretending to be ‘above’ it.)
3. Emotional By-Pass: Over-processing of emotions. (Getting stuck in, or ‘addicted’ to the intensity of your feelings)

Spiritual by-pass is full of shadows.  AND, it is common to confront the ‘shadow’ when ever we go into unknown territory.  As we find our way through, we are able to mine precious gems and hidden resources found beneath the surface of our ordinary awareness, deep in the ground of being .

Take note:

Which are your favorite forms or resistance?

How do you find your way beyond the resistance?

How do you know when you are on the other side?


After one of our Embodied Awareness seminars, one participant, a corporate Coach, shared gratitudes with the class as she shared what she had learned about herself and her relationship to resistance:

“I want to convey a real sense of gratitude for the reflections from each of you today. I have had a real movement through my resistance.

I have danced with my resistance gnome for awhile. I really felt like instead of feeling, “Overpower! Overcome! Annihilate!  I feel like I can now live with my resistance–and it’s always going to hang around–but that’s not going to stop me from moving forward. . . .

Kinesthetic impressions have helped me make resistance a partner, rather than battle it – big move today- Oh my Gosh! I can live with this – not like a disease live with it – sort of like you’re going to live in my little back pack for awhile, like a little gremlin. That’s ok!  I can share partnership with my resistance.

It keeps me aware.
It keeps me in the trenches.
It reminds me what others may be up against.

{Artist: Brian Froud}

{Artist: Brian Froud}