Welcome to Embodied Awareness

Dr. Beth Hedva

What is Embodied Awareness?

Embodied awareness is a state of being fully present and fully alive.

Embodied Awareness is much more than just being connected to and in touch with your own body’s sensations and feelings. Being ’embodied’ comes from being connected to your Self (with a capital “S”), your inner divinity and resilient spirit- your inner Source of healing that connects to your physical body, your thoughts, feelings, perceptions and energy…while also helping you connect in healing ways with others, your environment, our world.

The practice of Embodied Awareness helps you:

  • Reduce stress and relax
  • Improve relationships
  • Evolve your brain
  • Steady your heart
  • Engage your intuition
  • Embody your spirit

Embodied Awareness helps you deal with stress & recover from trauma Physically, Emotionally, Mentally, Spiritually & Energetically. It is a state of being – feeling present and fully alive.

Dr. Beth Hedva’s Five-Steps to Embodied Awareness

Connect Within and With Others. Use breath work, energy work and culturally meaningful spiritual practices together with connecting to others – community and social support.

Assess, evaluate, and become mindful of stress reactions–Acknowledge and normalize traumatic reactions if present: shock, crisis, grief or mourning, and resilience to support mental health and healing.

Listen to yourself and others with your whole body, heart, and soul. Appreciate emotional needs, fears, experiences, and stories by giving them a voice. Listen empathically – telepathically to your own and others’ feelings for emotional health and healing.

Engage Embodied Awareness – Expand sensory awareness into extrasensory perception -using ‘the 12 senses’ of Embodied Awareness. Engage intuition to create meaningful insights or personal value to receive inner guidance and healing.

Empower self-care – do what helps over what hurts your healing. ‘Lead by example’ to extend care – into grass-roots healing for community renewal and environmental healing.

What are the 12 Senses of Embodied Awareness?

We are energetic beings. We process information about the physical world in the form of sound, light, heat, vibration, texture, movement that are provided by our physical senses.

We also receive input from in the form of subtle inner signals, including: emotions, thoughts, felt-senses, and other intuitive perceptions. The synergy of the two – outer physical and inner subtle spiritual signals – help us to become more insightful. As a more aware person we are able to support mental health, emotional healing and spiritual Self-renewal.

{image credit: Quiet Center of Stillness}

According to ancient Egyptian traditions, we use our five senses along with seven more subtle senses to helps us awaken Self awareness, in order to wisely respond to both inner and outer experiences. Those senses are:

  1. Sight.
  2. Sound.
  3. Touch.
  4. Taste.
  5. Smell.
  6. Feeling the transmission of energy perceived as a clairsentient ‘gut feeling’ or ‘felt-sense’
  7. Transmission of emotions, perceived as a telepathic, empathic feeling in our heart,  implies our ability to both send and receive emotional impressions.
  8. Transmissions of ideas perceived as awareness of another’s intentions, a silent inner voice, word or thought; clairaudience.
  9. Inner seeing and vision, which includes clairvoyant pictures or images, memories, dreams and symbolic impressions.I
  10. Spiritual discernment and direct knowing – allows us to perceive a sense of karmic causes and effects leading us to liberation from karma.It is guided by a deeper sense of what is ‘right’, based on an inner sense of direction, in contrast to making a decision based on a ‘moral judgment’ of right-vs-wrong.
  11. Intuitive perception of patterns that extend beyond time and space awards us with everything from creativity and innovative-creative problem solving, to premonitions, de-ja-vu and precognition, to predictions or prophecy.
  12. Realization, (also known as satori, nirvana, enlightenment, Self-realization, or self-actualization),  is a refined spiritual sense that awakens you to the realization of what you are here for; and, who you truly are as a spiritual being occupying a human body. This is Embodied Awareness.

In the EMBODIED AWARENESS BLOG. . .we exploring the intersection of these experiences along with research, personal reflections from me, you, and others invited to share wisdom and teachings on embodied awareness from around the world.

I invite you to share your reflections, insights and experiences in this blog. Experience is our teacher, and by sharing we all grow and learn together. Click on a topic of interest from the Blog Menu and share your thoughts!

TEL: +1 (403) 585-5805


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